Please Visit My Google blog
'n Radio stasie vir almal, oud en jonk, vir die gesin,vir die familie, vir vriende, vir die volk wereldwyd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hier kuier ons saam, lag ons saam, deel mekaar se vreugde, huil ons saam en deel mekaar se hartseer en verlange, vier ons saam fees in goeie tye, dans saam,
Hier staan ons saam en vat hande soos een groot familie.
Hier luister ons na die nuus, die weer, maak ons lekker musiek en gesels ons oor alles wat saak maak.Lekker programme vir almal,want hier is u baie belangrik.Ja u as luisteraar beteken vir ons baie, die stasie is u stasie waar u moet gelukkig wees en uitsien om saam ons te kuier.
Daaroor is u meer as welkom om met voorstelle te kom waar ons kan verbeter en meer bied.Ja u mag van ons verskil in besprekings punte, dis u reg en niemand gaan vir u kwaad wees daaroor nie.Ons wil juis almal se sienings hoor en hoe ons mense voel oor al die dinge.Daaroor moet u deel wees en deelneem aan al ons programme.Radio Eendrag kan net effektief wees as u die Radio stasie se programme ten volle gebruik.Die programme is daar om ons mense te help waar ons kan.
Laastens wil ek net my dank uitspreek aan almal wat deel is om die stasie so 'n groot sukses te maak, asook al ons luisteraars hier by Radio Eendrag.Dit is u wat van hierdie stasie so 'n pragtige en vooruitstrewende stasie maak.
Ek wil graag die volgende persone spesiaal bedank vir hulle onbaatsugtige bydra:
Andy en Pam daar in Duitsland
Die ontwerp en diens op die webwerf,Blogspot en Faceboek blaaie wat julle gedoen het en die onderhoud daarvan.Ook al die pragtige embleme wat julle ontwerp het vir Radio Eendrag .
Dankie dat julle 24 uur, 7 dae 'n week daar is as Radio Eendrag julle nodig het, dis vriende soos julle wat Radio Eendrag se sukses aan te danke is.
Graag wil ek ook die Dj's bedank vir die harde werk, baie ure en onbaatsugtige diens wat julle lewer.As dit nie vir julle lojaliteit was nie sou Radio Eendrag nie nou al so suksevol gestaan het nie.

My Blogger Feeds
Jou Radio Eendrag stasie vir die Wereld Nasie, Your Radio Eendrag Station for the World Nation
Kom Skakel in en Luister Lekker Saam,
Yes, tune in and enjoy
Afrikaans | English | Trots Suid-Afrikaans
Hoe om na Radio Eendrag te luister: How to tune in: Druk op die toepaslike spelertjie hier regs, en sit terug en luister na jou gunstelling Internet Radiostasie en Musiek.
Click on the player to listen, sit back, relax, and listen to your favourite Internet Radiostation and good Music
South African Music is a South African Homepage based with a Online Music Radio Station Radio Eendrag ,from South Africa that is stationed in Cape Town ,and is also a South African Music Time shareing Homepage to share with People all around the World for Young and Old,It was founded in March 2014 in Germany.
The Facebook Group was founded at the same time - South African Music, then got bigger and greater with our supporters ,friends and also visitors .Youtube Videos that we were shareing through Youtube .
In April 2014 the Google Blogger was openened ,through the high visit of friends and visitors, Online around the world and Thankyou to our supporters AND FRIENDS.
We support and promote our friends that was at that time playing in some of the local upcoming bands, and give our other local musicians a way through which they could share their music to their South African fans, and hopefully internationally.
We are a dedicated and unique team of music lovers and professionals brought together from all walks of life and from all around the World, from all over South Africa, and Europa ,all with one thing in common... our love and passion for music!

All we ask is that you share or Homepage,Facebook Group,and Google Bloggers and be Kind to sighn into our Gestbook as return we add you a a friend on Facebook,and put an small partnet banner on our Page to help to share also your Homepage around the World ,Thankyou you South African Music Team.....
Here Are a Few Banners below were you can add on your Website,if you like are Homepage ,be free to copy or download greetings SAM.




Jou beste musiek radio stasie, 24/7. Als wat jy wil hoor afrikaans, country, 80's, boeremusiek, ag als wat lekker is en lekker klink. 'n Stasie wat altyd jou voete laat jeug en jou tone laat omkrul van lekkerte.
Hier kuier ons saam, lag ons saam, deel mekaar se vreugde, huil ons saam en deel mekaar se hartseer en verlange, vier ons saam fees in goeie tye en dans saam.

Andy Dezius
We have 6 homepage and 4 bloggers that run from Germany from were we can advertise you web page or your homepage or Blogger and our homepages and bloggers run world wide



Visit us on Facebook We will be happy to see you there.

SAM- South african music on Facebook.
I Will not Tolerate any sex ,porn or nude photos or pictures on my feeds ,or on this Group ,I will block anyone who misuses this group in any way ,this is a Open Public group and this group belongs to SAM ,and I will block and remove and report such people to Facebook from this group.I find it is a disgrace for putting such picture on my group ,paste them on you walls at home,not on Facebook or feeds were also children see such thing greetings Andy and the SAM TEAM.

Our Team and Admins on Our Homepages,Blogs and Facebook Group.

Our Site map Will LINK you to some of our webpages.On SAM-South African Music.

Visit us on Facebook We will be happy to see you there.

South Arican music on Facebook
Group 2
I Will not Tolerate any sex ,porn or nude photos or pictures on my feeds ,or on this Group ,I will block anyone who misuses this group in any way ,this is a Open Public group and this group belongs to SAM ,and I will block and remove and report such people to Facebook from this group.I find it is a disgrace for putting such picture on my group ,paste them on you walls at home,not on Facebook or feeds were also children see such thing greetings Andy and the SAM TEAM.

Terms of use
Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern our relationship with you in relation to this website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.
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- You agree not to submit illegal content to this website, and agree to warn website owners if you see other users doing it.
- See more at: http://fb.radioeendrag.co.za/terms-of-use#sthash.OVaRPMoJ.dpuf
Net vir Rekenaar: (Speel op Media-Player of VLC Speler)
Net vir BB en I phone en Nokia Radio:;listen.mp3/home
Kan ook op die web-werf luister by:
www.shoutcast.com/Internet-Radio/Radio Eendrag
Kry jou VLC speler Hier:
Kyk ook ons Blogspot en Duitsland webwerf by:
' n Radio stasie vir die waarheid, vir ons mense, mense met goue harte, mense wat al baie in die lewe deurgemaak het, maar mense wat die kuns ken om die mooi in die lewe te wardeer en geniet.
Create an Skype account or sign in and find us under Eendrag or Radio Eendrag.
It only takes a minute or two - then you’re ready to call your friends free over Skype, and even talk face-to-face on video.
Kontak Besonderhede
Sms Lyn:
Dj Uiltjie : 079 334 3153
Loof en Prys : 082 447 3284
E Pos Adresse:
'n Stasie vir die volk met nuus,weer en lekker musiek.Gebruik die skakkel om te luister.


PLEASE TAKE NOTE !.....If Watching the Youtube Music Videos ...Please Switch off the
Music Player  on the Right Hand Side..Thankyou Greetings From South African Music..
Enjoy and Share with you Friends Around The World..See you Soon Again.